Success Story

What is Hands-On Involvement from Risk Analyst

Just like an ‘investigator’, Putri, our Risk Analyst in bababos, must meticulously analyze the business conditions of SME Manufacturers to effectively deliver Terms of Payment (TOP) Program.The role of a Risk Analyst also ensure to pay attention of TOP portfolio through a rigorous process of risk assessment and analysis.

The Traits That You Need To Become A Risk Analyst

When evaluating clients (SMEs), it’s crucial to be extra thorough. To decide if a client is eligible for the TOP Program, we have to think critically and analytically by examining their data, understanding their business on the ground, and collecting information about their industry.

As a Risk Analyst, it’s essential to have integrity. This means presenting information and making decisions that are fair and align with the company’s overall goal of growing and thriving with SMEs, rather than showing interest to particular client.

The Most Challenging Part

to solve problem quickly in a fast paced environment.

As a Risk Analyst, she needs to manage the time well, create a work plan for the week, stay focused, and build good internal and external communication.

A Risk Analyst Needs Teamwork

Internal Team

Working collaboratively is key for Putri at bababos. She actively engages with internal team like Risk, Sales, and other divisions.

It’s like learning the smart way, so we don’t make the same mistakes.

Internal Team

Working collaboratively is key for Putri at bababos. She actively engages with internal team like Risk, Sales, and other divisions.

It’s like learning the smart way, so we don’t make the same mistakes.

External Team

She also involves in communication to our clients, SME Manufacturers from many industry sectors.

Through The Teamwork, bababos Achieve Remarkable Outcomes

Grow with SMEs

We serve as growth partner to SME manufacturers, delivering Terms of Payment Program as their preferred payment method for stocking raw materials. This enables SMEs to focus on production, tripling productivity, and growing their business.

Be The Trusted Partner

bababos is the go-to source for SME Manufacturers, providing a hassle-free payment experience for purchasing raw materials. As of now, over 100 SMEs impacted from our collaborative efforts, highlighting the trust they place in us.

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